The Application of Sandwich Technology to the Airframe Structure of Helicopters

Rainer Arelt, Stefan Goerlich, Jan-Christoph Arent, Benjamin Hailer, Mathias Dambaur

Presented at the Vertical Flight Society 78th Annual Forum & Technology Display
Structures and Materials Technical Session
13 pages


The H160-B is the latest helicopter design from AIRBUS HELICOPTERS with the extensive use of sandwich technology in the airframe. A sandwich with face sheets from CFRP and honeycomb cores is a robust outer skin of a helicopter. Furthermore it shows a very good tolerance to impact damages and a very good reparability. At Airbus Helicopters great experience is available which is required to understand and to control all manufacturing parameters, that are driving the quality of such parts. Powerful inspection technologies are in place to maintain the high level of manufacturing quality. In this paper an overview of the parts on this Helicopter made with sandwich technology will be given. These are cowlings and structural parts as well as principal structural elements (PSE) on main load paths. The respective certification requirements and related means of compliance demonstrations will be explained in detail. Special attention is paid to the applied methods for the damage tolerance demonstration of sandwich. The design and strength analysis was done with a combination of FEM analysis and analytical method, using basic allowable derived and validated by tests.


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